Saturday, July 28, 2012

Probably the Last Blog Update

Having problems sending updates from our device, so I probably won't take time to troubleshoot before we come home.

7/12 Met Lee's husband Paul at the Hikers Inn. He gave us our mail drops and took our laundry. They also gave us some things left behind by other hikers: ice cream, beer and most importantly a soup bone for the dog.
7/13 Craig got some new Keen sandals as he wore out his soles on the trail. Nancy will wear her new ones sent by Keen because of a defect. Also got some bear bag rope as we will attempt to hang the food again when necessary. Muddy said goodbye as he and Spicerack are leaving the trail. PJs is going to only to the next town Marion VA so we could see him there. Could not find cigars in town but alas two appeared in a mail drop. Resupplied at the grocery store, and a previous thru hiker offered us a ride back to the inn. Celebrated our 500 mile mark (close enough) by eating Filet Mignon.
7/14 Packed up, headed out for breakfast, and ordered the usual (from yesterday). The server actually knew what our orders were. Arrived for the night at Saunders shelter where we met Trail Snail and Box Turtle who were first time backpackers out for a week. Also met ma'am who has been out since May.
7/15 18.5 mile hike thru White Top Mtn, nice views. Then on to Thomas Knob shelter, last mile was in the rain. Met Left Field, previously known as Queen Bee, and unidentified man with large carved walking sticks. Also met two young guys Chase and Andrew, who loved Cushie.
7/16 Hike thru the beautiful Grayson Highlands where we met some older ladies who hiked from the road, several miles over very rocky terrain with large boulders, one lady was 80 years old. The ponies approached us for food and Cushie for curiosity. Cushie was a bit overwhelmed. After that we hiked through the worst thunder and lightning storm we have been in yet. Stayed at old orchard shelter where we saw Chase and Andrew and met Rock Lobster and Waldo. Andrew gave his sleeping pad for Cushie to sleep on until he needed it for bedtime. Cushie had a siezure late at night; Waldo thought it was a bear attacking the shelter. Cushie just started having these this past January, occasionally, so we knew what was up, but it scared the daylights out of Waldo and made for a good laugh the next morning.
7/17 Hiked to Trimpi Shelter where we decided to stay. Met a nice group of section hikers where we spoke about Nancy's condition pretty much confirming it is planter fascitis. One person also stated that Nancy appeared quite at home in the woods.
7/18 Hiked out and found 2 large coolers of trail magic...cookies, candy, and popcorn! Stopped at the Partnership Shelter for an actual shower and headed to the Mt Rogers visitors center to get a shuttle to Marion. Unfortunately no dogs allowed on the shuttle so we got a taxi. Did some laundry and met a woman named Susan. She called her husband who came to the laundromat; they took us to get dinner, groceries, and drove us back to the shelter. We saw 3 of the 4 folks from the previous night. One of their party was injured and had to get off the trail. We were bitten by no-see-ums in the shelter all night.
7/19 Hiked to a settlers museum near the trail and stopped at the Barn restaurant for a small meal and dessert. Leashed Cushie outside, and the cook went out and fed her bacon, hamburger, and hot dogs. She got more food than us! Got caught in a storm on the way to the Crawfish trail campsite. For the first time, Cushie had been too hot in the sun of the exposed trail that crossed route 81, that she pooped out in the storm and needed to be coaxed the whole way but we made it as the storm was tapering off. This was probably our worst hike experience yet, as we wanted to hike fast to get out of the storm as we were on a ridge top with stiff winds and rain and we were getting cold, and could only move as fast as Cushie, but we all made it. The storm cooled her down so all was well. We were all wet in a wet tent with wet gear, but grateful to be done for the day.
7/20 Hiked thru a cow pasture and two curious calves chased Cushie. Heard thunder, did not want to repeat yesterday, and decided to hike only 7 miles to the Knot Maul shelter so we could dry out and rest from the previous18 mile hike. Met Frug, who was a nomadic sometimes train hopper, at the shelter.
7/21 Craig waited to get water and probably got the worst water source we have seen, but at least it was something. Pretty cool enclosed shelter (Chestnut Knob) right after the water source, ate lunch, then moved on. Arrived at Jenkins shelter pretty late, so we had to eat quickly and throw the bear bag rope because there was a warning about an aggressive bear. We later heard the story that a young cub smelled chocolate in a girl's tent, and he tried to get in. The girl screamed and he knocked over a couple more tents trying to run away. Not exactly agressive...
Later in the night Craig heard a noise in the shelter, and shined his headlamp on a squirrel-like animal chewing on a knot of the shelter frame. It would not stop until Craig poked it with his hiking pole. Nancy was so asleep she missed it.
7/22 Heard about a guy named TruBrit who will pick you up and take you to his Dojo (karate studio) and let you stay for free. We called him (number was posted on a tree) and he picked us up and took us to the Dollar Store for resupply first. His Dojo was nice equipped with a shower, TV, guitar, and a dog. We met a hiker named Candy Cane who was getting off the trail the next day.
7/23 TruBrit dropped us back off on the trail, gave us a business tip, and refused money that Craig offered...really great guy. He is building a mega hostel in Bastian VA next year. Arrived at first shelter and Craig fell asleep...lucky because a storm came thru, and we missed it as we stayed it out under the roof. Arrived later at Jenny Knob shelter before any major storms hit. Met Frankenboots, Firefly, and Taos.
7/24 Startled a bear while hiking; it ran off. Stopped at Dismal Falls which was dismal because of the storm that came thru; we'd hoped for a fun lunch spot, but there was a large rock overhang that provided shelter as we waited it out. Arrived at Wapiti shelter where we met Achilles who was named because of his plantar fascitis. He described his hiking experience with his extreme condition and confirmed that Nancy had the same thing, with the same exact experience, it was uncanny. He is fifty,single with no kids and he sold his business a couple years ago, and was out on the trail pondering what to do next. He mentioned that he was the kind of person whos identity is in what he does, so this has been a struggle for him. Nancy forgot this point, thought he had it made and said, "wow, so you have nothing to go back to!" Meaning he had the freedom, money and time to pursue anything he wanted to. He said thanks a lot, now I feel really bad, all the progress I made since Georgia is gone... We all laughed hard, very hard for a long time as he milked that one out. If Nancy pursues life coaching, she learned how important it is to think first before she excitedly blurts out "helpful" encouragement! But that was the best laugh we have had on the trail.
7/25 Hiked a short 7 miles to the Wood's Hole hostel near Pearisburg VA. Really cool old 1880ish place with an organic farm. We shared a meal in the main house and met the other 8 lodging for the night. We were all asked to participate in table set up and clean up. Stayed in the bunkhouse the first night because the private room was taken but we will stay in the room tomorrow. Will get a couples massage in the morning...Ahhhh.

1 comment:

  1. Weather wonderful here. Outdoor shower=Bliss! Seeing lots of birds and wildlife wildflowers all in bloom now. . Eating fresh blueberries and blackberries. OK. Going back inside to watch Olympics!
