Sunday, August 19, 2012

Confessions of a Neatnik Backpacker

Nancy started this trip determined to keep her things Clean, Neat, and in Order. Only Order seemed to be achievable to a decent degree. Nancy can't believe how much she has lowered her cleanliness standards to be able to live out in nature as a fast nomad.  Craig also stretched his definition of cleanliness.

Here are some things that we experienced that one would never do until he/she backpacked for more than a month:

1. Dirty and Sanitary have two different meanings.  Clean your hands after you do number two, everything else is just dirt.

2. Licking fingers saves the weight of napkins. Even if there is more than just food on your fingers….

3. You don't need 3 cleanup bowls for bathing, urinating in tent, and trash. One will do.

4. Licking dinnerware is a good substitute for a dishwasher.

5. The 3 (or 5) second "eating after dropping food" rule no longer seems to apply.  If you are hungry, eat it. And all backpackers are hungry.

6. Cutting garlic bulbs with your teeth is more efficient than using a knife because you don't need to clean the knife.

7. It is much more efficient to dig one hole for two people doing number two.

8. You will use your bath bowl to fill your drinking water bottle if desperate. Of course you will treat the water before drinking.

9. If chocolate melts on the inside of a Snickers wrapper, you can place the wrapper in your mouth and suck out the chocolate to keep the used wrapper from soiling your gear.  This is important because bears are strongly drawn to the scent of chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. new meaning to " finger lickin' good! I could never have made it... I am much too attached to my daily morning shower, clean clothes and comfy bed.
    What did you miss the most?
